Step into the magical world of Eric Carle with this four-pack puzzle set inspired by his iconic children's book, "The Very Hungry Caterpillar." Each puzzle, consisting of 48 pieces and measuring 10" x 8", depicts a unique scene from the beloved story: a lively picnic, a vibrant flower and bug...
Item No. 12403
Introduce young minds to the enchanting world of Eric Carle with our Alphabet Giant Floor 48 piece Puzzle. Designed for children aged 3 and up, this jumbo puzzle measures an impressive 36" x 24" when fully assembled. Featuring the beloved artwork of Eric Carle, it combines the joy of learning...
Item No. 12402
Show your passion for Eric Carle and nature with this 48 piece puzzle, conveniently packed in this beautifully illustrated cylindrical tin! Puzzle Dimensions: 11.2" by 15"
Item No. 40990A
Growing A Garden 64 piece jigsaw puzzle features artwork of acclaimed children's book illustrator, Melissa Sweet. This colorful illustration features a garden of fruits, vegetables, and flowers. With large pieces, this award-winning puzzle is perfect for children ages 5 and up. This 15 x 15 inch...
Item No. 689196504488
Show your passion for Eric Carle's bugs with this 48 piece puzzle, conveniently packed in this beautifully illustrated cylindrical tin! Puzzle Dimensions: 11.2" by 15"
Item No. 40990B
The Eric Carle 48-piece Shaped Puzzle - The Very Hungry Caterpillar brings to life the beloved storybook character in a captivating puzzle format. Designed for preschoolers and young school-age children, this puzzle features an iconic image of The Very Hungry Caterpillar by the renowned kids'...
Item No. 12502
Aquatic creatures of all sizes from the well-known to the obscure populate this giant puzzle, with layer upon layer of fascinating detail to be discovered. Everything is labeled for further investigation on the amply sized poster included. The intelligent and fanciful artist Linda Bleck has...
Woodland, 64 piece jigsaw puzzle. Original illustration of deciduous forest with lots flora and fauna. Learn about world and animal habitats with this beautiful and educational puzzle. Age 5+ Inside the box: 64 glossy pieces that fit and snap together with ease Puzzle Size is...
Item No. PZWDL