"An Interview with Kishonna L. Gray" by Elissa Gershowitz An expert in game studies and comparative media studies discusses the need for diverse games, diverse books, diverse everything
"No Ordinary Gift" by Roger Sutton We need to support libraries responsibly, equitably, and enthusiastically
"Beyond the 'Four Fs': Caribbean Own Voices" by Summer Edward The impact of publishing's global economic inequalities and "voluntourism"
"Fighting the Lost Cause" by Ann Bausum A Southern-born nonfiction writer rejects the education propaganda of her youth and advocates for historical honesty
"Revisiting Anthony Burns" by Rudine Sims Bishop Virginia Hamilton's 1988 Boston Globe-Horn Book Award winner for Nonfiction exemplifies what the author called "liberation literature." The fifth column in an ongoing series.
"Lucha Libros" by AnnMarie Hurtado Bilingual Battle of the Books
"Chapter Book Mirrors" A selection of reviews from The Horn Book Guide